Thursday, December 1, 2016

Medicare In America (medical care) is a government funded program that was created to provide
medical coverage to the elderly.  July 30, 1965 President Johnson signed the Medicare act. With our late President Truman being the 1st to enroll.

Medicare Part A is what a 65y.o. automatically get after they apply for Medicare. Part A is what ones taxes pay for after 10yrs of employment. Part A cover hospital stays, nursing homes, hospices and some skilled nursing faculties. Medicare Part B is something the participant pays for. Typically the premium is deduced from their SSI checks every month. If a senior refuse to take this option for whatever reason they will be fined 10% every year until they enroll in Medicare part B. Medicare part Care Medicare advantage plans. the advantage plans are a group of insurance companies like HMO, BCBS, Cigna etc. that was approved by the government to work on behalf of the Medicare holders. This plan also includes things like prescription coverage, and gym memberships. It is a managed health plan and copays and deductibles are not included. Medicare Part D covers prescription drugs. So if you get A, B only then you will need RX coverage. However with plan C Rx are included. Below is a chart showing the changes made to Medicare over periods of time until 2010. Please see  the chart below. Keep in mind that Medicare is a program that's offered to seniors. However not all seniors are able to afford plan B which come with a 10% penalty yearly if plan B is not taken. So there are advantages to having a government free medical program, but a catch 22 for seniors living in poverty.
Overview 1970s-present




Friday, November 18, 2016

Processed Foods and how they effect our health

In the early 1900s processed foods became available. After WWII it was an era known as a
culture of convenience. Processed Foods was fast and required less preparation usually from the female of the household. This was portrayed to be a great thing because more and more women was entering the work force. Instead of being typical "Stay at home moms." Things like my favorite Oreo cookies, bread, Kool-Aid, popsicles, and Velveeta Cheese hit the market. Until the 1930s where people had to make due with whatever scrapes they had because of The Great Depression. This was when a man named Colonel Heartland Sanders created a blend for fried chicken known today as Kentucky Fried Chicken aka KFC.  Other food chains began to pop up too. Like Dairy Queen and McDonalds.


Processed Foods are any foods that are not in its natural state. Meaning that they have been mechanically or chemically altered. However the processed foods that I am referring to are those that have been chemically altered. Typically chemically altered processed foods has extra added ingredients like salt, sugar, fat, high fructose corn syrup, flour, corn starch, artificial flavors and or colors. This is nothing more than a chemical storm. Not to mention the main culprit of them all .................
When I think of processed foods. The first thing comes to mind is Genetically Modified Organism.
In America 95% of Sugar Beets, 88% of Corn, and 94% of Soybean contain traits of insect or herbicide resistance modified by the Monsanto Co. It all transpired after a scientist named Andrei Nikolaevich Belozersky first isolated DNA. There was a demand for more food. So scientist began to get creative and figure out ways to meet that demand. Fertilization and irrigation played a major role in making this possible. To create things faster than nature intended also has disadvantages too. Foods that are processed has a decreased amounts of nutrients in which they contain. This is due to the original food being striped so much of its initial content and replaced with additives like those named above. This is a perfect example of how to make a dollar out of fifteen cents. The capitalism American way of doing things. By the 1950s processed foods was massive. In 1958 companies had to prove that the food additives they used was safe. Diet soft drinks, and Sweet n Low was on a rise by this time. In the 1970s red food coloring was banned. However generic breeding was unregulated. So most of the GMO products are what makes up the ingredients in processed foods. As well as what many animals are feed and that animal is later consumed for human consumption.

In 1994 The Flavor Savor Tomato was the first to be genetically engineered crop sold. It was produced by a California company Calgene. By the 80's Aspartame entered the market and tomatoes was considered a fruit. 1975 approval of aspartame was put on hold until 1980. It was then ruled that aspartame hadn't proved to be safe for human consumption. Not until 1981 when president Ronald Regan forced Dr. Gere Goyan the FDA chairman at the time to step down.

"The history of Nutrasweet’s approval by the FDA:
When the FDA was presented with aspartame research, they assigned a public board of inquiry the task of deciding if it should be allowed for human consumption. In 1980, the doctors on that board unanimously ruled that aspartame should not go on the market. An internal FDA panel concluded the same thing in 1980.
The FDA Chairman (Dr. Gere Goyan) was forced to step down the day Ronald Reagan took office in 1981. His replacement? Dr. Arthur Hill Hayes, hand-picked by Donald Rumsfeld for this position. In 1981, Rumsfeld was CEO of the company that owned the patent on aspartame (the G.D. & Searle company).
But even with a friendly new FDA Chairman in place, the agency still rejected aspartame for approval by a 3-2 margin. So Chairman Hayes added a sixth member to the approval board, one who had promised to vote in favor of aspartame. Then, with a 3-3 tie on the issue, Chairman Hayes himself broke the deadlock with his own vote of approval for aspartame. Shameful, but that’s what happened."

The consumption of processed foods and none certified organic meats, dairy, and eggs etc  would mean 9/10 GMOs are also being consumed. From the information I've gathered the ingredients used to make such processed foods also has an effect on ones health. Those effects being obesity, cancerous tumors, diabetics, gastrointestinal issues like IBS, Celiac disease and gluten sensitives.!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

How the Healthcare System in America has changed

The 19th century had an effect on shaping healthcare in America. In the early 1900s people received free health care for the most part. Mainly by method of Homeopathic  medicine. Until around 1901 when the American Medical Association (AMA) was formed. Prior to the AMA new medical treatment began to emerge. Medical treatment was seen as profitable. This is when the American healthcare system turned into an industry. Below I will explain how America's Heathcare system changed.

On the surface the American health care system is being financed. However all of the rules to the Monopoly game came from the top .0001% those who own banks and print money. The "Top Dogs". These are the people in which our healthcare system was built on after 1901. Any and everything that happens in America's health care system all depends on what those Top Dogs" Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J. P. Morgan ordered. They gained control over our healthcare system by way of taking control over the American Medical Schools. They offered large donations to any medical school that was willing to allow their own on the school's Board of Directors. They convinced schools that their members needed to be board members to over see how their donations to the schools would be spent

In the 1920s many companies like General Motors began to offer health care Insurance as a way to attract  new employees. This was also during the time that penicillin was discovered. In the 1930s there was more of a demand for insuring the elderly and unemployed. In 1935 the Social Security Act was passed.

Initially this all seemed to be such a great deal. The donations allowed the school to hire the "cream of the crop" top medical teachers and purchase state of the art technology. However those exchanges never amounted to the amount to what those board members gained. All of their personal agendas was implemented. Medical School's primary teaching was focused on Allopathic Medicine. No Homothetic doctors was allowed to be members of the AMA. All of the medical schools primary focus was pharmaceutical drugs and hardly no teaching on nutrition. The students was taught how to follow the new world social order. AMA approved which doctors could practice and which hospitals could open. Their whole motto was America's system was designed on people dying slower. Why? Because their system wasn't engineered for doctors to have a cure. Because cures doesn't make good profit. People lived longer because of all the new drugs, technology and vaccines. In the 1950s even the 1st successful organ transplant was performed. The cost of hospital stays doubled.

By the 1960s Medicare and Medicaid was introduced. More doctors began to classify themselves as Specialist went from 55% to 69% by the end of the 60s. Now the total life expectancy is from 6 billion to 8 billion in 2020. So please know that the whole Obama Care Act that was passed is all a smoke screen. Starting from Elizabeth Fowler the ex Vice President of the publically traded Insurance Co. Well Point.
How our Healthcare System became a corporate capitalism system was strategically created this way. Which leads me to my next blog on the correlation between Food, Vaccines and their affects on health.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

History of Healthcare in America

From the 1800s until now there has been a big change in a positive way in America's HealthCare System.Before technology etc. healthcare was all about people's ideas rather than proven facts. Many believed that sickness and disease was related to evil spirits. If one had a headache they would simply drill a hole in the person's skull to try and rid the evil spirits. When performing such a procedure there was no anesthesia used. 1:5000 would die within thirty days of surgery. Now it is only 1:200,000. Not until the mid 1800's when a dentist named William Morton experimented with ether. As a result of clinical trials and errors we now have over 6000 FDA approved drugs. However modern medicine is still fearful of Herbalist because of their potential profit and loss. During colonial times there was no understanding on the spread of disease and prevention. However in the mid 1800s a doctor by the name of
Ignaz Semmelweis was anxious to learn why women and children was dying after childbirth from what was known as "Childbed Fever". After studying using cadavers or imprisoned men he discovered that hand washing would minimize the spread of disease. At this time there was no requirements to practice medicine.  In my next blog I will explain how Healthcare in America  changed after it was financed and ran by the United States Government.

Monday, August 29, 2016

About Me

I'm Denicia Rollins AKA Nisa. I have a passion for health and nutrition. My ultimate goal is to become a Missionary Nurse/Herbalist with a minor in Kinesiology.