Thursday, October 27, 2016

How the Healthcare System in America has changed

The 19th century had an effect on shaping healthcare in America. In the early 1900s people received free health care for the most part. Mainly by method of Homeopathic  medicine. Until around 1901 when the American Medical Association (AMA) was formed. Prior to the AMA new medical treatment began to emerge. Medical treatment was seen as profitable. This is when the American healthcare system turned into an industry. Below I will explain how America's Heathcare system changed.

On the surface the American health care system is being financed. However all of the rules to the Monopoly game came from the top .0001% those who own banks and print money. The "Top Dogs". These are the people in which our healthcare system was built on after 1901. Any and everything that happens in America's health care system all depends on what those Top Dogs" Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and J. P. Morgan ordered. They gained control over our healthcare system by way of taking control over the American Medical Schools. They offered large donations to any medical school that was willing to allow their own on the school's Board of Directors. They convinced schools that their members needed to be board members to over see how their donations to the schools would be spent

In the 1920s many companies like General Motors began to offer health care Insurance as a way to attract  new employees. This was also during the time that penicillin was discovered. In the 1930s there was more of a demand for insuring the elderly and unemployed. In 1935 the Social Security Act was passed.

Initially this all seemed to be such a great deal. The donations allowed the school to hire the "cream of the crop" top medical teachers and purchase state of the art technology. However those exchanges never amounted to the amount to what those board members gained. All of their personal agendas was implemented. Medical School's primary teaching was focused on Allopathic Medicine. No Homothetic doctors was allowed to be members of the AMA. All of the medical schools primary focus was pharmaceutical drugs and hardly no teaching on nutrition. The students was taught how to follow the new world social order. AMA approved which doctors could practice and which hospitals could open. Their whole motto was America's system was designed on people dying slower. Why? Because their system wasn't engineered for doctors to have a cure. Because cures doesn't make good profit. People lived longer because of all the new drugs, technology and vaccines. In the 1950s even the 1st successful organ transplant was performed. The cost of hospital stays doubled.

By the 1960s Medicare and Medicaid was introduced. More doctors began to classify themselves as Specialist went from 55% to 69% by the end of the 60s. Now the total life expectancy is from 6 billion to 8 billion in 2020. So please know that the whole Obama Care Act that was passed is all a smoke screen. Starting from Elizabeth Fowler the ex Vice President of the publically traded Insurance Co. Well Point.
How our Healthcare System became a corporate capitalism system was strategically created this way. Which leads me to my next blog on the correlation between Food, Vaccines and their affects on health.